Applications for
Above Ground Oil Water Separators
The HD Q-PAC® coalescing media may be used in above ground oil water separation applications, such as:
Process Water
- Chemical Plants
- Compressor Blowdown
- Cosmetics Industry
- Engine Washing Facilities
- Floor Drains
- Glass Factories
- Machine Shops
- Petroleum Plants
- Pulp & Paper Mills
- Rolling Mill Quench Oil
- Tank Cleaning
- Wire Drawing Operation
- Wash Racks
Original Equipment Manufacturers
- Evaporators
- Ground Water Treatment Systems
- Membrane (RO) Systems
- Wash Water Treatment Systems
- Cooling Water - discharge
- Food Processing Plants - removal of oil and grease from waste water
- Golf Courses - removal of oil and grease from pressure wash water
- Ground Water Remediation - removal of oil, sludge and solids from ground water
- Industrial Plants - removal of oil and solids from wash down water
- Machining Operations - removal of cutting and tramp oil from soluble cutting oils
- Marine Terminals - removal of oil and solids for wash down water and waste water
- Oil Industry (onshore & offshore) - refinery and drilling run-off, tank cleaning
- Oil Production - oil removal from produced water
- Oil Refineries - oil and sludge removal from process streams and waste water
- Petrochemical - oil, sludge and solids removal from process streams and wastewater
- Power Plants - removal of transformer oil from waste water
- Railroad - hot tanks, fueling run-off, locomotive washing
- Steel Mills - removal of oil and solids from process water, cooling water and waste water
- Truck Maintenance Terminals - removal of oil and solids from wash down water and waste water, parking lots and retention ponds.
- Utility Companies - waste water from fuel washing, fuel oil centrifuges, blow down water from air receivers
- Vegetable Processing Plants - removal of sand and clay from wash water
©2009 Coalescing Concepts, Inc.